US *so-called* allies - What a load of crap!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
At least now the US knows who our true friends and allies are.

So many countries looking to the US for support ($$$), looking for us to buy their exports. Don't forget it is your US tax dollars that go to help these ingrates. Don't forget that it's your money that buys these foreign products that give them money to support themselves while they stab us in the back.

France actively working against us....
On the list of countries that support us. Look who isn't there... Our closest neigbors CANADA and MEXICO. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on...

I would like to personally tell all those countries that look to our foreign aid and support to "GO TO HELL". I don't want my taxes going to these a**holes, and I encourage US businesses and consumers to support these countries as little as possible and support our true friends more.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would also like to add that these same people should also boycott American products and really cripple there already ailling economy.
because clearly the desire for a peaceful resolution is a terrible notion ...

The Great Dane
Nov 20, 2001
I would like to personally tell all those countries that look to our foreign aid and support to "GO TO HELL".


The US foreign aid is a disgrace anyway...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The point of not wanting my tax dollars and personal money to go into the purses of people/countries that do not support our country is simple.

Why give our hard-earned cash to these folks? It would be better served going to countries that support our interests. Granted, sometimes we need to deal with other countries that may not agree. But, it makes sense to try to lift up our friend and not give support to places that work against our interests. This is common sense....

I read yesterday that there were warnings that Germany was having major bank problems... I am not interested in helping them directly or indirectly.... Let France help bail them out.

I firmly believe this to be true:
If the United States took the same policy of not getting involved (militarily or financially) in foreign affairs. If we were as selfish as many other countries in the world, wars would be raging all over the globe. There would be major crisises in Africa, Europe, Central America,... damn... pretty much everywhere. So much of the world depends on US foreign aid in one form or another.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Shizz- Your fxckin right, let these fxckin lefty socialist fend for themselves...Do you see how the phonwy baloney french now want a piece of the action in irag?They said today if our troops got hit with chem weapons that they will help us out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I will concede that Denmark is one of the more generous countries with regards to foreign aid (as a percentage of GDP, they are one of the top, if not the top).

However, the fact remains that in sheer total amount, the United States give a great deal to the world. In addition, our consumption of foreign goods lends greatly to many countries economies.

I support the United States and it's allies. I feel it is somewhat foolish to help people who don't support the US. The US needs foreign goods, we should just try to minimize helping those who don't support our policies, and try to give more help to those who do. It just makes sense....

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Shizz--I was answering duckstabbers post with my remark,3 or 4 above.
I agree with you 100%

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It seems some guys ih here believe that USA is giving free money from time to time?USA is a fool and some countries are taking advantage of it?
Soon USA will have even less allies,as their policy of "sell-them-weapons-buy-their-leaders-make-war"will produce more and more enemies.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I believe that you misinterpret my opinion. I believe in the "classic", make your opinion known by supporting your friends, and not spending on people who aren't.

Do you go about helping out guys who mock and insult you? Do you help people who work against you?

I propose helping our allies (which is also helping us), let those who are against us, get their $ and trade from their pals... The US rarely gets anything for free. The US has to pay for just about everything. Why pay to people who are hurting US interests?

Just as strongly, I also advocate a more informed US consumer, who makes themselves aware if they are helping people who are working against them. The American consumer market is very highly coveted on the world economic market. American business contributes a fair amount to many countries GDP.

I don't believe that anything in life is free. I believe that "true" allies are incredibly valuable. I believe that through this whole affair, it is becoming very clear who our "true" allies are. I believe that we should do everything we can to assist our "true" allies. Because we can count on our "true" allies to be there for us. You try to take care of people who stick out their necks for you.

Like I said earlier... It just makes sense. At least to me.

[This message was edited by ShizzadyBruthaman on 03-19-03 at 02:41 AM.]
"You try to take care of people who stick out their necks for you."

so when's your phd in foreing relations and diplomacy coming out man?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JackDee:
"You try to take care of people who stick out their necks for you."

so when's your phd in foreing relations and diplomacy coming out man?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't need a phd to be a honorable and loyal person. When someone is my friend, they know that I am on their side and I will support them the best I can. Fairly simple and straightforward.
yeah but honorable and loyal is not the way countries interact with one another, like the great communist mao ze tung said, war is diplomacy with blood, diplomacy is war without blood.
>like the great communist mao ze tung


- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I do believe in the power of diplomacy in dealing with other countries. In fact... the point that I made in the first message, and basically through most of this thread has been that of using economic power in a diplomatic way. The main point being that we should support our "true" allies, and try our best not to support or aid those countries who would work against our interests.

With regards to the usage of the words "honorable" and "loyal"... I feel that to a certain degree, honor and loyalty are needed for diplomacy to work.

For example:
You are a country, and you agree with the world that you will disarm, or possible suffer serious consequences. Honor would dictate that you do what you said you would do. Otherwise, what is the point of diplomacy and making agreements?

I always laugh when I see people falling into the trap of playing the "shell game" or "three card monte" with those con artists on the street. Yes... I know, the people you see that actually win are shills trying to pull in the suckers. Don't the suckers that play know that the game is rigged? Maybe they'll let you win a little, only to lose it back...

Unfortunately, I personally feel, that the UN and a great deal of the world has fallen into the trap of playing the "shell game" with the con man Saddam Hussein. Not even the weapons inspector are fooled into thinking that Saddam is truly and openly cooperating. Yet, a great deal of the world wants to keep trying to play the shell game with Saddam.

I felt that stern action needed to be taken years ago, in 1998, weapons inspectors were expelled from Iraq. It was obvious then that Saddam was not cooperating. We are now in the year 2003. Still trying to get Saddam to play the game fairly. How many people, when they see the person playing the "shell game" or "3 card monte" think "hahaha sucker!!!".

Let the world keep wanting to play the game. I am in favor of walking away from the table.
i can sense by your posts that your intentions are good. Then question yourself about a few things:

Do oil deposits in Iraq have anything to do with the current war?

Is it just a coincidence that every other year or so the U.S. either directly invades and bombs another country of the globe or indirectly installs or supports corrupt dictatorships via covert action? Sadam was a tyrant, then the Serbs, then Sadam again, then Milosevich and the Serbs, then Sadam again.

If Sadam where such a threat then why weren't the U.S. dealing with him for the past years?

Why was Sadam equiped and financed by the u.s. in his war with Iran? And how come such a backward country can have so powerfull weapons, who's sold those to them?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If the US hands over $5 then it wants $10 back.

The same goes for the Government or the corporations.

Where do you think all that money the USA has comes from?
The fairies gave it to you?

You're the best at sucking cash out of the rest of the world.

If all your companies went back home the biggest loser would be the USA.

As far as making money is concerned.
You need the rest of the world a helluva lot more than the rest of the world needs you.

I would be be happy to see US companies leave the UK, not because I dont like America/Americans, but because I dont like american companies.

You can keep them, they are crap employers compared to european companies, and that goes for the vast majority of employees.

As far as workers are concerned.
Replace uncle sam with uncle scrooge.


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